CLTS Agencies/

Case Managers


The information on this page is meant for the use by CLTS Case Managers.  Please call  or email us if you have any questions!

Day Camp: Activity and Benefits Information

For all our youth programming, we spend our time wisely!

For all sessions we provide:

Day Camp: Billing Information

Camp Clover Day Program utilizes three billing codes under CLTS:

*Please note, Clover does not have the ability for 1:1 services in any of the youth programming services*

T2037 EY This is for camp attendance; one unit per day of attendance. 

T2003 This is a trip charge if we are picking up and/or dropping off participants to/from camp. One unit per trip per day of attendance. (Only used for summer youth camp)

S0215 This is mileage during the day program (Only used for summer youth camp and Saturday High School sessions)